

we have had some disappointing setbacks this week and it looks like we won't be getting sheetrock done and floors refinished by the end of the month, and therefore will not be able to move in.

we couldn't get our framing inspection until the plumbing, electrical and HVAC inspections passed. there was a delay on the electrical inspection, and that finally passed mid-week, so we requested our framing inspection. the framing inspection was friday and failed because they used the wrong hurricane ties, and because the inspections happen in the afternoon and you have to fax in a request for inspection before noon, that means we can't fax in our request until monday, which means they won't inspect until tuesday. then after framing we have to get an insulation inspection (huh?), the request for which also has to be faxed in by noon for inspection the following day. who knows when that inspection will occur with thanksgiving this week. and they can't start closing in the walls with sheetrock until all these inspections are passed. so, failing the framing inspection on a friday afternoon has set us back at least a week. *sigh*

so, now we will work to get in around mid-december.

1 comment:

ciaobellon said...

We totally feel your pain! We have had HUGE problems with our final inspections this past week as well...creating delays in getting our final C.O. which delayed our final bank closing and which delayed our moving in, etc. The City Building Inspections TOTALLY SUCKS! The same building inspection clerk nimrod lied to us multiple times -- no one in that department knows what they are doing!!!

Awesome. We also just got our property tax bill -- very excited to know THAT will go to great use.