

i am so in love with the idea of white marble countertops. i know they will be more high maintenance, and we'll have to be sure to clean up spills quickly, but i like the idea of the patina that will show as the kitchen gets lived in. it's like a bar top in italy - so classic but modern at the same time, and still beautiful after decades of use.

these are the varieties of marble we're deciding between right now (not these actual slabs) - depending on pricing and availability. what's your favorite stone?

alabama white:

colorado gold vein:



white carrera:


you can click here to see some my inspiration pics of white cabinets with white marble countertops.



we're refinancing to take advantage of the great rates as of two weeks ago, and we have to have our kitchen complete before closing, so stay tuned for some fast kitchen updates! woo-hoo!



so, chalkboards are great for lists, right? i thought it would be cool to make a list of all the things we still have to do on the house, so we can feel a sense of accomplishment when we can cross something off the list. well, things got a little out of control. seriously.

(click to view the list in all its depressing, discouraging, money-hemorrhaging glory):

that said, we did make minor progress this weekend, taking care of a little sheetrock work needed around the stair and anthony finished installing some exterior lights in the back.

(with flash):

(without flash):

p.s. thanks to alicia for the best idea for post-naming!



ugh. sorry there hasn't been much to update about recently. i think that means its time for another round of before and afters - since we have some rooms painted and everything is primed since our last b&a post. so i'll take new pics next time our house is clean and post them soon.



i caught the flu bug that's been going around here, so i've been laid up in bed all weekend. but our friend kim stopped by and brought over some chalk - so she and i had to break in the new chalkboard wall!


and because anthony's been so great taking care of me while i've been sick...

we've got warm weather down here so bring on the spring fever...



i painted the chalkboard wall! we used ben moore chalkboard paint - it's a dark gray, almost black - just like a school chalkboard. it's very cool. after we get some chalk up on it, it will lighten out - but i really like the balance of the white kitchen (with future white marble countertops) opposite the blackish wall. plus it will be fun to draw on, and write grocery lists, etc.

here are a few pictures. i'll post more this weekend after we can draw on it! (have to wait 3 days to apply chalk) -

here is the main image that gave us our inspiration (from cottage living), as we're also planning on doing a pantry door on sliding/barn door hardware:

but for some more images of black chalkboard walls like ours check out cottage living; another cool wall from apartment therapy; and more here and here.