since we were heading to atlanta, i took the opportunity to check out craigslist atlanta, and found two pedestal sinks for cheap! we got this brand new kohler pedestal for $100 (ours has 3 holes for separate faucet & knobs) -
it will go in the powder room. and we got this slightly used pedestal sink with hardware for $30!
- a great find and the seller was super nice to bring it over to ikea for us as we were loading our cabinets into the van. the hardware will go great with the set i got for the clawfoot tub in the guest bath. so, after all this, our house is filling up like a storehouse.
we also got a lot done at the house. anthony worked on removing some more of the aluminum siding - it's down from the entire first floor now, including the rear addition -
but taking it down revealed some smoke/fire damage so we'll probably have to re-side this area -
and i worked on the inside filling holes & cracks in the siding with 'great stuff' and then lining the inside of the siding with felt - just for an extra barrier since the old part of the house doesn't have sheathing.
as far as the rest of the subs go, the electrical rough-in is 60% complete, and they'll come back to finish after we get sheetrock up. the new hvac is about 90% in, but they won't test and balance the system until we get the house dried-in with floors, windows & sheetrock and the dust is cleared. (we're waiting on windows before we can put sheetrock up.) and the plumbing rough-in is complete and passed's our master bath shower -
and lucy got to spend her first weekend at the house and she had a great time!
My cat is named Lucy : )
So good that you knocked out the IKEA trip! 5 hours is child's play! Nice work on the planning, clearly.
Its coming along nicely...can't wait to stop by soon to check it out.
By the way, anonymous is me, Tyler. Clearly a rookie blog commentator.
Yeah, 5 hours must be a record time. I'm guessing your husband didn't yell at you in the lighting section to "stay on task." Good job!
The next time we visit we'll bring Clyde so he & Lucy can play together!
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